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Sunday 5 May 2013

Gerhana Matahari Cincin 9-10 Mei 2013

Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) memperkirakan gerhana matahari cincin (GMC) akan terjadi pada 9-10 Mei 2013. 

Berdasarkan situs resmi BMKG yang dilansir di Jakarta, Jumat, menyebutkan gerhana matahari cincin tersebut dapat diamati dari Samudra Pasifik, Australia, Singapura, Indonesia kecuali Sumatera bagian Utara dan Filipina bagian Selatan. 

Di Australia dan Pasifik akan mengalami gerhana matahari cincin. Sementara di Indonesia kecuali Sumatera bagian Utara, akan berupa gerhana matahari sebagian (GMS) pada 10 Mei 2013 yang dapat disaksikan pada pagi hari. 

Fase GMC, di mana gerhana mulai pada 21 25.1 UT, gerhana cincin mulai di 23 32.6 UT, dan puncaknya pada 00 19.6 UT, gerhana cincin berakhir 02 17.8 UT serta gerhana berakhir pada 03 25.3 UT. 

Namun, waktu untuk setiap fase di setiap lokasi bisa berbeda dengan waktu-waktu tersebut, karena tergantung pada posisi lokasi pengamat di permukaan bumi dan posisi bulan dan matahari nisbi terhadap posisi pengamat. 

Gerhana mulai dapat terlihat di Kupang, Manado, Ternate, Ambon, Sorong, Manokwari, Merauke dan Jayapura. Selain Kupang dan Manado, masyarakat di enam daerah lainnya beruntung bisa menyaksikan puncak gerhana hingga gerhana berakhir. 

Sementara puncak gerhana juga bisa dilihat masyarakat di Surabaya, Pontianak, Palangka Raya, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Denpasar, Mataram, Kupang, Manado, Kendari, Palu, Makassar.

Sedangkan gerhana berakhir bisa dilihat dari Padang, Pekanbaru, Jambi, Bengkulu, Palembang, Bandar Lampung, Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Pontianak, Palangka Raya, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Denpasar, Mataram, Kupang, Manado, Kendari, Palu, Makassar.

Gerhana matahari adalah fenomena alam di mana terhalanginya cahaya matahari oleh bulan, sehingga tidak semuanya sampai ke bumi.

Peristiwa tersebut terjadi akibat dinamisnya pergerakan posisi matahari, bumi dan bulan dan hanya terjadi pada saat fase bulan baru dan dapat diprediksi sebelumnya.
 Di 2013, diprediksikan terjadi lima kali gerhana, yaitu dua gerhana matahari dan tiga kali gerhana bulan.(rr)

Friday 3 May 2013

globallshare.com , Situs Jejearing Sosial Masa Depan

Welcome to the world of the future Internet-society

Come and get familiar with the world of social networking websites of the future, where exist no restrictions, you can easily get in touch whoever you wish, you can get the most popular services and you may also become an owner.

This is the society of the future

The major problem with the largest worldwide social networking websites is that more and more restrictions are introduced therefore to maintain liaison, to get acquainted with others and to establish new relationships are becoming increasingly difficult.
The goal of GlobAllShare is to set up the largest unrestricted social networking website of the future, here you may really keep in touch with whoever you wish, you may get to know people simply, you may build up new relationships, in an instant you can reach anyone all around the world with what you wish to share with them and anyone may view the postings of yours.

No restrictions

There are no restrictions on the social networking website of GlobAllShare and your postings can be viewed by anyone in the world. The GlobAllShare's objective is to create a really global, social message board worldwide accessible at a time, where you may see every posting and everyone may view your postings as well, thus you will never lose any news any more.

All free

The use of GlobAllShare community is all free. Neither now, nor in the future will you have to pay for the use. You may get services at GlobAllShare's website completely free for which elsewhere you used to pay. Free phone, free video-calls, live web-lectures, web-conference, video-email, SMS sending, games, films, music and all free you may create your own website or web-store, too.
You may get the GlobAllShare's services all free all over the world.

Be an owner

The largest social networking websites of the world realize a revenue of several billions of dollars annually by enabling all free use of their websites for their users.
The aim of GlobAllShare is not merely to enable free use for the users, but to make them feel the global community their own and thereby they will shape it as they find it appropriate. That is why GlobAllShare ensures ownership status to each user in the form of free shares during the pre-organisation stage.
Each member of GlobAllShare, who joins to the community during the pre-organisation stage and contributes to the global growth thereof, may get GlobAllShare shares continuously all gratuitously and each month will receive dividends from the global profit in proportion of the shares owned after this venture is launched.

Have your share from the global profit

GlobAllShare shares its global profit with its users, who have contributed to the global growth and spreading during the pre-organisation period.
After the venture is launched GlobAllShare's shareholders will receive each month their dividends from 70% of the global profit in proportion of the shares owned, thus every shareholder will get a constant monthly earning.
But the shareholders of GlobAllShare will not merely get a monthly dividend, but may also sell their shares at face value, earning an immediate and large sum this way.

Get your own shares

You may also get your shares in the GlobAllShare community simply during the pre-organisation stage. All you need to do is to invite your friends and acquaintances to the GlobAllShare's website.
If you have invited 5 of your friends successfully, you will get 1 GlobAllShare share straight away. But you may not merely get shares after inviting your own acquaintances, but after each further user invited by your friends as well, moreover after your friends' acquaintances too, because through 7 subsequent levels after each of your friends, who realizes 5 successful invitations you will also get 1 more GlobAllShare share.
If you have invited 5 of your friends successfully, you will get 1 GlobAllShare share straight away. But you may not merely get shares after inviting your own acquaintances, but after each further user invited by your acquaintances as well, moreover after your friends' acquaintances too, because through 7 subsequent levels after each of your friends, who realizes 5 successful invitations you will also get 1 more GlobAllShare share.

Continuous income

After your interests in the global community of the GlobAllShare you may have a continuous monthly income, since you are paid a dividend from the global profit in each month, in proportion of the number of shares you own.
If you have invited 5 of your friends to the GlobAllShare community successfully and your invited friends also invite 5 of their friends in 7 subsequent levels following you, then you may be entitled to the following dividend in each month.
level 1 5 invite 1 GAS share
level 2 25 invite 5 GAS share
level 3 125 invite 25 GAS share
level 4 625 invite 125 GAS share
level 5 3 125 invite 625 GAS share
level 6 15 625 invite 3 125 GAS share
level 7 78 125 invite 15 625 GAS share
Total 19.531 GAS share
According to the example, you may get altogether 19,531 GlobAllShare gratuitous shares, after which you will be paid a monthly dividend after the global launching of the venture. If, for instance, you are paid only $ 0.25 dividend from the global profit a month, you will get $5,000 a month. You may even get a dividend of monthly $0.5 or $1.0 after each of your shares, thus a monthly earning of $10,000 or $20,000 may easily be generated.
You can monitor the number and value of your shares as well as the sum of your monthly dividend at the WebOffice permanently.

Instant money

As a member of the GlobAllShare community you may not only get a monthly income in the form of dividends, but a large amount of money as well since you may sell your shares immediately.
After the global launching of this venture you may sell your shares at face value, thus making a large amount of money instantly. Let us take an example: if the face value of the shares is $10 after launching of the business and according to the example above you own 19,531 GlobAllShare shares, you can sell them for altogether $195,531, so you earn a great sum immediately. Obviously, the face value of the shares may easily reach $20 or $40 per share, depending on the number of persons using the GlobAllShare community portal throughout the world.
It should be noted that the users may acquire GlobAllShare shares only during the term of pre-organisation in line with their performance, therefore, at the global launching of the venture only those will have shares who contributed to the development of the GlobAllShare.
After the initiation of venture not any further shares will be issued, thus shares may be purchased from those exclusively who were involved in the global establishment of the network and received shares for their contribution.

Register free!

Do not miss the greatest chance of your life! Register free, assist in establishing the largest unrestricted global web community of the world; earn the gratuitous shares for your work and become owner of the future social networking website today.
Registration is and will remain all free.


Click here to register

Thursday 2 May 2013

Cara Verifikasi Akun Twitter

Saya yakin banyak pengguna twitter pernah melihat twitter @SBYudhoyono sang Presiden Republik Indonesia. Di sana pasti anda temukan tanda centang pada bagian kanan nama. Ada icon centang warna biru, itulah icon tanda akun telah terverifikasi. Awalnya saya juga sempat heran melihatnya, jadi pengen akun twitter saya juga terverifikasi.

Setelah saya Googling berkali-kali untuk cari bagaimana Cara Verifikasi Akun Twitter akhirnya saya dapat juga caranya. Dan sumbernya juga terpercaya karena dari pihak Twitter langsung. Berikut penjelasan dari pihak twitter tentang verified twitter yang saya baca langsung dari support.twitter.com:

Apakah Verified Account?
Setiap account dengan Badge Verified adalah Verified Account. Twitter menggunakan ini untuk membangun keaslian account terkenal sehingga pengguna dapat percaya bahwa sumber yang sah adalah authoring Tweets mereka

Jenis Akun apa yang bisa diverifikasi?
Verifikasi digunakan untuk membangun otentisitas dan mengatur agar tidak terjadi kebingungan yang berurusan dengan identitas di twitter. Account diverifikasi harus sebagai akun publik dan aktif melalukan tweet.

Bagaimana saya mendapatkan account Verifikasi?
Program ini saat ini tertutup untuk umum. Ini berarti kita tidak dapat menerima permintaan publik untuk verifikasi

Mengapa program verifikasi Beta saat ini ditutup?
Verifikasi akun akun twitter versi Beta untuk publik saat ini tidak lagi tersedia. Setelah lama pengujian manual, kita sudah menutup aplikasi publik. Kami telah menghapus formulir permintaan verifikasi untuk publik. Sementara itu, kami masih memverifikasi beberapa sumber terpercaya, seperti pengiklan dan mitra kami. Jika Anda salah satu mitra kami atau pengiklan, silakan ikuti dengan manajer akun Anda untuk rincian lebih lanjut.

Nah itu dia penjelasan dari pihak twitter yang intinya bahwa untuk verifikasi twitter saat ini sangat sulit. Tetapi masih saja ada verifikasi. Mungkin saja akun twitter kita bisa diverifikasi kalau sudah mendapat follower yang sekian banyak entah sampai berapa digit angka.

Cara Membuat Wellcome Message Saat Log On di Laptop

Teman-teman ingin membuat welcome message saat log on di komputer atau laptop gak? Caranya gampang koq, gak perlu software atau instalasi.

Langsung aja dah, berikut Langkah-Langkahnya :
 1. Klik Start -> Run
 2. Ketik “regedit” tanpa tanda kutip, lalu OK
 3. Masuk ke bagian HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon
 4. Buat entry baru dengan mengklik kanan lalu pilih New -> String Value. Beri nama “LegalNoticeCaption”. Klik ganda, dan isilah Value data dengan 1.
5. Buat entry baru lagi dengan nama “LegalNoticeText” dengan cara sama. Isi value data dengan teks yang ingin ditampilkan saat log on. Tutup registry editor.
6. Restart atau log off.

E-Pay BRI buat Belanja Online

“Manyarakat semakin gemar belanja dan bertransaksi secara online."
JAKARTA, Jaringnews.com - Hari ini (11/04), PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BRI) meluncurkan layanan e-Pay. Layanan ini untuk memfasilitasi kebutuhan pembayaran masyarakat dalam melakukan belanja secara online yang makin meningkat.

Kepala Divisi Dana dan Jasa BRI Widodo Januarso mengungkapkan, saat ini jumlah pengguna internet di Tanah Air menyentuh angka 60 juta orang. Bahkan ke depan angka ini akan terus bertambah. Dengan perkembangan tersebut terjadi perubahan kebiasaan berbelanja di masyarakat.

“Manyarakat semakin gemar belanja dan bertransaksi secara online," katanya Widodo di Jakarta.

Melihat peluang itu, jelas Widodo, maka itu mendorong BRI menyediakan sarana pembayaran secara online. Beberapa pilihan transaksi online yang disediakan BRI adalah  transfer, kartu kredit dan e-Pay BRI.

Widodo mengatakan bahwa layanan e-Pay BRI sendiri memiliki banyak manfaat. Pertama lebih praktis bagi pengguna internet banking BRI karena tidak perlu melakukan aktivasi lagi untuk dapat melakukan e-Pay. User internet banking BRI, katanya, otomatis memiliki layanan mulai dari transaksi finansial hingga pembayaran e-commerce.

Kedua, e-Pay BRI merupakan one stop payment solution, dimana proses yang dilakukan singkat dan tidak perlu berpindah-pindah halaman.

Ketiga keamanan terjaga karena setiap transaksi pembayaran menggunakan e-Pay BRI, akan dilengkapi dengan paycode yang langsung dikirim ke handphone nasabah serta dilengkapi dengan password internet banking.

Keempat adalah terdapat 28 merchant atau gerai yang menerima pembayaran menggunakan e-Pay BRI.  Seperti blibli.com, disdus.com, electronicsolution.com, rajakamar.com, www.tiket.com, citilink.com, bhineka.com, dan dinomarket.com.
(Ara / Ara)
sumber: http://jaringnews.com/ 11 April 2013

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